
The course will help the participants render a quality preventive, restorative , early orthodontic management to their paediatric patients
The amalgamation of lectures,demos,hands-on will reinforce the concepts taught and will enable the participants to implement them in their clinical practice.
- Perinatal and infant oral healthcare
- Diet Counselling
- Prenatal counselling
- Postnatal counselling
- Rampant caries and its management
- Oral hygiene maintenance
- Caries Preventive treatment
- Fluoride application
- Pit and fissure sealants
- Management of white spot lesion
- Sports-mouth guards
- Age appropriate treatment planning
- Minimally invasive Dentistry
- Resin infiltration technique
- Preventive resin restoration – PRR
- High strength GIC restoration
- Bilayered restorations
- Open sandwich
- Close sandwich
- Composite resin restorations
- Deep Caries management
- Direct and Indirect Pulp Capping
- Pulpotomy
- Pulpectomy
- Apexogenosis
- Apexification- management of immature permanent incisor using MTA
- Root Canal Treatment for primary teeth
- Tooth rehabilitation - SS crowns, strip crowns, Polycarbonate crowns, Resin crowns, pedo preformed bands.
- Psychological Management
- Sleep disorders in children
- Management of medically Compromised Patient
- Growth analysis/management
- Early age orthodontics (Pediatric Orthodontics)
- Management of developing malocclusion in the primary and early mixed dentition
- OPG-investigations , Hand-wrist X-ray, Cephalometric Xray
- Modifying developing dentition
- Unerupted permanent central incisor and ectopic canine
- Analyzing ectopic canine emergence
- Habit breaking appliances and management of habits
- Tongue spike
- Mouth breathing-oral screen
- Lip bumper
- Anterior biteplate
- Posterior biteplate
- Inclined plane
- Space analysis and cross bite
- Serial extraction – When to do
- Space maintainer
- Space regainer
- Restoration in posterior tooth using RMGI and Composite resins
- Root canal treatment in primary molar
- Preformed bands
- Pedo crown
- Space maintainer
- Oral screen
- Lip bumper
- Tongue spike
- Anterior biteplate
- Posterior biteplate
- Inclined plane
- Restoration in posterior tooth using RMGI and Composite resins
- Root canal treatment in primary molar
- Preformed bands
- Pedo crown
- Preparation of model for habit breaking appliance
- Preformed band transfer
- Soldering excercise
Course Highlights
- Clinically oriented lectures and hands on training
- Familiarization and handling of latest materials
- After course online support
- Limited number of participants to enable One to One coaching
- Clinical tips and tricks
- Vendor Interaction
- Guidance on purchase of materials
- Trouble shooting
Batch No:
Course Duration : 2 DAYs
Course Time : 9.30 am to 4.00 pm
Course Fee: On Request
Max No. Candidates : 10 participants per batch
Candidates must bring :
- 2 Passport size photo
- Xerox copy of Degree and DCI certificate
- 2 hole Airotor hand piece in good condition
- Slow speed hand piece
- Extracted primary molar teeth (2nos) for hands-on (Extracted teeth cleansed in sodium hypochlorite and water , do not use hydrogen peroxide)
- Loupe (optional)
- Apron
#Loupes will be provided on rental basis as per the requirement of the candidate
All other consumables and non-consumable will be provided by the academy
Authored By :
Prof. Dr. K. S. Senthil Kumar
Prof. Dr. S.Hemamalathi